
Friday, June 3, 2011

20 Scam-Free Ways to Make Money Online Fast

Cathy is in allegation of a accepted way to accomplish money online fast. She writes in: “I was a abettor for about 30 years back I became disabled from a car wreck. I am a actual boxy being (I’m a redhead!) I went out aftermost October and bought a fresh PC to try and accomplish money online, but all I accept succeeded in accomplishing is accepting added in debt. I apperceive you apperceive what I beggarly by all the scams that I fell into.
I accept been account A LOT and aggravating to apprentice as abundant as I can. I accept run into adverse stories, though. I aloof don’t apperceive area to start. I am not a computer tech, nor that abreast about how to start. I am NOT allurement for a handout; aloof a allowance duke in the appropriate direction.
I’m not assured to accomplish bags of money today, but ANYTHING to advice me get started in the appropriate direction. I accept adored bags of lives and now I can’t alike get through the ages afterwards active out of food!”
Cathy has the appropriate attitude — she’s not attractive for a get-rich-quick scheme, but instead a accepted way to accomplish some added money online.
Having been sucked into some scams myself in the past, I apperceive how difficult it can be to acquisition absolute means to accomplish money online fast. Thus, I’ve aggregate this list. Some means crave ability of assertive skills, but all these abilities can be learned. If you don’t apperceive area to start, I advance acrimonious one of these means and acquirements added about it, again aggravating it out!
Note: None of the 20 means listed beneath accommodate associate links (that is, links that accomplish me money if you bang on them.) This account is for your benefit, not mine. Enjoy!
1. Amazon’s Mechanical Turk.
Mechanical Turk is a abundant way to accomplish some added cash. You apparently won’t accomplish abundant added than a few dollars an hour, but it’s additionally asleep simple to complete abounding of the tasks. Best tasks booty beneath than a minute to complete and pay a few pennies. If you do a lot of MTurk, it could add up to at atomic some fun spending money. Assurance up for free, again complete abilities to acquire admission to higher-paying tasks.
2. Acquaint banal photos.
iStockPhoto is aloof one armpit that allows you to acquaint banal photos; there are others. Afore you adjudge to go crazy and upload your accomplished album, booty agenda of what’s affairs able-bodied and try your duke at accomplishing commodity similar. iStockPhoto additionally works for those who apperceive how to cede images; some of their best accepted images were created on a computer! Accept three analgesic banal photos accessible for iStockPhoto’s inspection; they will appetite them back you assurance up.
3. Acquaint being on eBay.
Start by affairs your own added stuff. Then, already you get a feel for affairs your added stuff, go door-to-door in nicer neighborhoods in your town. Advance an eye for what will acquaint and what won’t (old laptops, for instance, could be a gold mine–if you apperceive how to architecture them to get rid of the antecedent owner’s claimed data.) Assurance a arrangement area you booty 25-30% (or more) of the gross sale. Your barter will be blessed to get banknote for their old junk, and you’ll accomplish some acceptable money affairs added people’s stuff. eBay
4. Become a freelance commodity writer.
It may not pay well, but there is a growing appeal for this. Address 200-300 chat accessories and abide them to commodity directories. Abeyant audience accommodate bloggers, marketers, and baby businesses. You can address accessories in a alcove in batches and acquaint them as a amalgamation to one or added clients, or you can action your casework for appoint per chat or commodity and let your applicant accord you direction. A foundation of keyword analysis is important to accomplish at this job (unless you’re aloof demography administration from a client), but keyword analysis is learnable.
5. Address accessories for magazines or added publications.
If you accept a accomplishments in journalism, or aloof a affection for it, you can try your duke at appointment accessories to publications. Don’t aloof about blaze off articles, however; accept a plan and, preferably, a acquaintance at the advertisement you ambition to abide to. The acceptable account is that there are publications in appealing abundant any alcove you can anticipate of. To see some publications that are hiring, appointment Online Autograph Jobs, PoeWar Freelance Jobs, and
6. Transcribe audio files.
An accessible job; doesn’t pay well, but additionally a quick way to accomplish some money. Assurance up on eLance or oDesk to start, and/or acquaint your casework in administrator forums. Requires acceptable audition and a acceptable command of the English language. You may additionally appetite to advance in a bottom pedal if you plan to transcribe often. Accomplish abiding you apperceive how to transcribe interviews afore you alpha your aboriginal job.
7. Become a basic abettor (VA).
There are absolute books accounting on how to become a basic assistant, so this job is absolutely aces of added research. My advice: Focus on one alcove (I aloof assassin Lisa Morosky of VA for Bloggers, for instance.) Also, ability out to abeyant barter anon and let them apperceive what you can do for them instead of hitting up freelance web sites. Finally, you may appetite to accede assets such as AssistU, which provides training for advancing basic assistants.
8. Address accessories on
If you accept the basics of keyword research, you can accomplish a acceptable account assets from eHow. eHow pays you a allotment of the ad acquirement they accomplish from anniversary “How to” commodity you create. You can crank out a few accessories a day with about ease. Try this for a month; bold your commodity titles bout up with what bodies are analytic for in Google, you can accomplish a cogent income. The abundant account is that you address your accessories already and get paid ages afterwards month. I’ve apparent abstracts of $100-$150/month for 30 articles. Accomplish money autograph for
9. Do some videos to advance associate products.
Enjoy authoritative asinine videos? Alike short, asinine videos can acquaint articles online. Acquisition an artefact account announcement that has an associate program, again ambition your video adjoin abeyant barter of that product. In your video arbitrary on YouTube, abode your associate articulation for the product, and afterwards the video, do a 30-second still anatomy assuming a abbreviate URL area bodies can shop for the product. If your video is funny, informative, or useful, you may acquaint some products. Big tip: Try to advance a artefact that makes you a fair bulk of money for anniversary sale, but doesn’t amount a accomplished lot for the abeyant customer. You can acquisition articles on Commission Junction, for one.
10. Address an ebook targeted to bodies who allegation help.
Alexis Dawes created a artefact alleged “Desperate Buyers Only”. I account her for an accessible case abstraction on Inspiring Innovators, area she mentions that she is able to accomplish up to $97 from ebooks as baby as 12 pages. The key? Finding bodies who are abundantly atrocious for the advice you accommodate and again accomplishing acceptable analysis to acquisition a absolute band-aid to their problems. The result? Blessed barter whose botheration is solved, and money for you — a win-win situation! Caveat: It may be boxy to acquisition a absolute atrocious client alcove (Alexis reveals some in her case study). Actuality are some hints: Back were you aftermost in a bearings area advice would accept either adored you a lot of money or a lot of pain? Has addition abroad abutting to you been in a bearings area they could accept acclimated advice to avoid pain? Anticipate legal, medical, and banking niches.
11. Body a baby alcove website.
Yes, you can accomplish money online.I run a few baby alcove websites. For instance, How to Catechumen PDF is a tiny armpit that has chargeless videos on how to catechumen added types of abstracts into PDF format. It sells a allotment ofcomputer application alleged PDF Creator, and I accomplish a few dollars every time addition buys from that site. I answer the armpit application pay-per-click ads and it was profitable. Don’t archetype me directly, but do acquisition the circle of bodies defective advice and a tool, ebook, orcomputer application affairs that will advice them fix their problem. Then, actualize a website advised to get them to shop for it!
12. Advice bounded businesses advance an online presence.
Local businesses are struggling. Abounding accept websites, but aren’t accepting any after-effects from them. Others don’t accept websites at all. You can advice by acquirements chase agent optimization, how to set up an email list, and more, and again implementing these for bounded businesses. If you about adhere about geeks, web marketers, or the Web 2.0 crowd, you may be afraid how abounding business owners are 10 years (or more) abaft you! If you can bear results, business owners will appropriately pay. Acquisition barter by activity door-to-door.
13. Apprentice WordPress, again action to install plugins and advancement it.
I assassin David from Web Beatnik 4 Appoint to advancement my blogs and install fresh WordPress plugins. He accuse $5 to advancement a plugin…great for him, back best plugins alone booty a few account to upgrade, and abundant for me, back if annihilation breaks, David gets to apple-pie up the mess! You can accomplish this a abounding time position; there is a ton of appeal for these services. Acquisition barter by contacting bloggers directly. Get references from bloggers who accept the amount of outsourcing these tasks.
14. Become the go-to being for installations of a accurate allotment of software.
Anything from Amember to Quickbooks is fair bold here. In the hosting industry, iDevAffiliate and Plesk Billing were the pieces ofcomputer application we would accept paid a lot of money to accept addition abroad accord with. The added alcove and added complex/annoying/frustrating the software, the better! Alike if thecomputer application aggregation offers chargeless installation, you can accomplish hundreds or bags of dollars training business owners or their advisers on its usage. Focus on one allotment ofcomputer application and become the trusted expert. Actualize videos and tutorials application screencastcomputer application like Camtasia to access your profitability; this may additionally advance into a alcove artefact that you can sell. (Amember offers “free installation”, but it took my admirer and I over 10 hours to configure it properly. That’s absolutely commodity I would outsource abutting time!)
15. Account added bodies and acquaint the interviews.
I experimented with this in 2008 and fabricated over $800 from one interview. The key actuality is to accept a affliction point that bodies are experiencing, account an expert, and ask the able the questions that the bodies experiencing the botheration are having. Again actualize a baby website and acquaint the interview. There’s added to this, including accepting acceptable copywriting abilities so your website sells the account well, and alive area to advertise, so don’t apprehend to anon cull in hundreds of dollars. That said, it’s a accurate way to bound actualize a product. Get the interviews transcribed, again cord a few interviews in the aforementioned industry calm as a associates armpit or array that you can acquaint for added money.
16. Become a freelance “web geek.”
From configuring a arcade barrow to installing and tweaking blog themes, there are around absolute projects out there for geeks who get pleasure alive with baby business owners to get them up and active online. Acquisition bodies attractive for web geeks on the Warrior Forum or added places area entrepreneurs gather.
17. Enter logo and architecture contests.
Fancy yourself a acceptable designer? Try your duke at creating a logo or added architecture that a aggregation loves! 99 Designs is the best accepted marketplace. Beware, however; you won’t get paid unless your logo wins adjoin abounding others, which makes abounding designers unhappy. In my opinion, this is a abundant way for a beginning artisan to body a portfolio and apprentice bound what audience love.
18. Actualize Twitter backgrounds and e-covers.
Competition is stiff, but if you are a adeptness designer, this is a acceptable way to aces up added dollars. Alike better, if you are an artist, this is a acceptable way to accomplish your art abilities pay off. Accede that every architecture will allegation to accept a acumen why the chump should shop for the book or chase that being on Twitter to accept a absolute impact. Twitter backgrounds, in particular, are in hot appeal appropriate now. For abstracts and caveats of Twitter backgrounds, apprehend “How to actualize your own Twitter background.”
19. Abide websites or blog posts to amusing media websites.
Not actual agitative work, but in aerial appeal from bloggers and baby businesses. This involves ambience up accounts on all of the amusing bookmarking casework and again bookmarking your clients’ websites or most recent blog posts to advice them get added traffic. You may be aggressive againstcomputer application that does this, but in abounding folks’ opinions, it’s added acceptable to accept a absolute being do it. Alike added acceptable is if you can goose your accounts with affluence of accompany and become a brilliant on a few of the services; again every armpit you bookmark has college believability and you can allegation more. To get an abstraction of the amusing media sites you will allegation to assurance up for, alpha at
20. Adapt audio for others.
This is commodity that is adequately accessible to apprentice and additionally in aerial demand. On Windows, one acceptable affairs to adapt audio is Sony Sound Forge. I use Sound Forge Audio Studio, but if you are accomplishing this professionally, you ability accede the advancement to Sound Forge 9. Get the adhere of alteration out “um”s and “ah”s from audio. Alike added acceptable is compassionate the “flow” of an account chat and alteration out portions that don’t accomplish sense. Finally, acquirements to acquisition and add addition music absolutely gives podcasts that able touch. Acquaint your casework on oDesk or eLance. I pay bodies to do this for the podcasts I am ambience up on Inspiring Innovators, and it’s a job that can absolutely be done from your house.
Which One Will You Try? Let Me Know…
There you accept it…20 means for you to accomplish money online fast. Now it’s your turn! I’d like to apperceive which of these methods you would like to apprehend added about. Please let me apperceive by demography 30 abnormal to column a animadversion below, and I will address added about the most-requested topics.


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