
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Make Money With a Free Blog

Making money with a (free) blog is very easy and can make a decent amount of monthly income. First you need to choose your blog host. There are a lot of free blog hosting company but the most popular/best are Blogger and Wordpress. Both have lots of good features and are very easy to create and maintain.

When you make a blog it can be about almost anything (you know well) that people are interested in. You also need to make sure you can make quite a few post a month in order to keep current readers interested and potential new readers knowing that you frequently add new content.

The main way you are going to make money blogging is advertisements. I suggest you use BidVertiser because you can choose which ads will be shown on your blog. So when you choose which ads you will show you should make sure they are related to your blog so you know a lot of your blog reader will be interested and view the ads. You can also personally sell ad space on blog. When you personally sell ad space you should choose a section where only these ads will be shown and put an advertise here button there which links to page with information about advertising on your blog. Choosing a price for ads on your blog depend on how much traffic you get (the more traffic the more you charge). If you are just starting out and don;t get too much traffic you should charge a low monthly fee for ads (i.e $10/Month) and when you start generating lots of traffic raise the price (i.e $25/week) because the more traffic the more clicks the ads will get. So as your traffic increases continue to increase the price of your ad space.

Generating traffic to your blog will most likely be the hardest step in making your blog. But if you are careful you can do this for free or little cost and get lots of traffic. The easiest way to generate traffic is to go on other blogs or forums and make a post about your but don't spam as that can give your blog a bad reputation. Another way to generate traffic is post ads in classified ads. USFreeads is probably the best and most popular. Although it does cost money it very cheap (gold-$10/Year, premium-$10/Month) and will give you a lot of traffic. The reason USFreeads can give you a lot of traffic is because most of there ads show in 5 for Google and they already generate a lot of traffic their selves.


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